"Keep your face always toward the Sunshine, & the shadows will fall behind you." - Walt Whitman2017 is finally in sight. If you had a year like me you are super thrilled to wish 2016 good bye and welcome a new year. 2016 has been both a trying and exhausting year for many. 2017 is a year of new beginnings and the past is the past. Last year at this time I wrote a blog on "promises" in substitute of the cliche "resolutions." Promise yourself to make YOU a priority. Take care of your mind . body . soul. If you are able to do this then you are able to care for your loved ones 100%. 2016 has been a test for a lot of people, me included. The universe gave me lots of tests and trials. I was either going to let this year take me down or learn and grow from it. I think I can say this was one of my most stressful years to date. What I have learned from this though, is that the universe does not give us anything we cannot handle. We are strong beings and have the strength to "keep chugging along" (which was my mantra most of this year). Day by day, step by step. It was hard at times. Each time this past year I felt like I was getting back on track another "whammy" got me and I fell hard, sometimes harder than that last time. Each time I picked myself up - it took a lot but I did it with a lot of tears and fits but the important thing is I got up. I know this year was a test for me, was it for you? If so you are not alone. 2017 will bring many opportunities, are you ready to take the ride? From this past year I have gained new insight on the future, I have cleaned up my eating (even more than I thought), I have tapped in deeper to my intuition, and finally staying focused on what it is that I want to achieve, my goals. I read this amazing book that I recommend to anyone reading this blog: "The Universe Has Your Back" by Gabrielle Bernstein. Its a real easy read. The books talks about how to transform fear into faith in order to live a divinely guided well-balanced life. It makes it easy to understand how to not let fear get in the way ofthe lives we want to live. Great read, especially for those you had a trying year like I had. What will 2017 bring? "Make yourself a priority." Take time to do the things you enjoy, that make you happy and in return you will be a fulfilled being that can be 100% loving and supportive to your loved one. We can feel balanced when we are nourishing our mind . body . & soul. Are you eating right? Are you handling your stress? Are you being active? Are you having fun? For 2017, take a look at each area in your life and see if you are able fulfill these needs. Below are a few events that might help to get you on the right track for the new year:
Need Help Managing Stress? A reiki session can help break down the emotional blockage one might have in order to get back on track. For sessions email me and set up an appointment. Sessions are only 45 minutes long. Can you take time out of your busy day to give yourself 45 minutes to relax? Want to Add More Activity? There are these great Tai Chi Yoga classes that incorporate the many benefits of Tai Chi into a 75 minute class. Event information here. Reiki Yoga classes are another great class to take to help stretch your muscles all while being administered Reiki. An ultimate relaxation experience. Have a Happy New Year Love & Light Victoria Comments are closed.
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