The warmer weather is upon us (I hope, you never know in Upstate New York). I do not know about you but warmer weather for me means A LOT more SALADS!! Recently I made this concoction of a salad that is fresh to the taste and super easy to make. Whole foods with rich flavors and lots of healing components... >>.Avocado . Lime . Chicken Rice Bowl Salad.<< There are not many ingredients needed for this and you can do a bunch of different alterations. The best thing to do is on your meal prepping days (Sunday) have some of the items below already cut up and prepared (ie: grilled chicken, have some rice set) Ingredients: 1/2 Avocado, organic 1 Grilled Chicken Breast, free range Baby Spinach 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup California Jasmine Rice, organic (I usually have 1-2 cups prepared and keep in the fridge for the week) Cucumber, organic Black Olives Tomatoes, organic Jackson's Honest Sweet Potato Chips Lime Juice Black Pepper & Sea Salt If you do not have the rice already cooked, cook rice according to directions and let cool. Myself, I have some in the fridge for the week - its one of the only "grains" I eat occasionally. So in my case I heat mine up a bit, I do like to keep the rice somewhat cool since it is going in a "salad". After my rice is ready, I chop up raw baby spinach and toss in along with pieces of grilled chicken. At this time i like to sprinkle my lime juice over, however you can do this step anytime you would like. I then add chopped cucumber, tomatoes, olives and any other vegetables you would like to throw in! I slice my 1/2 of avocado and place on top with a little sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper. I take a small handful of the Jackson's Honest sweet potato chips and crumble on top and you are ready to go! This salad is a simple go to and super filling with >>.HEALTHY BENEFITS.<< - Avocado's are an amazing healthy fat that is good for your brain and also gives you a little protein too! - Jackson's Honest sweet potato chips is responsible company I stand by. They offer a chip that offers simple ingredients "non-GMO sweet potatoes, coconut oil, and sea salt" I take these chips with me when I am on the go and need a quick snack! - Anything that has "baby spinach" is a good place to start ;) - do I need to say more? - Jasmine Rice - there is a lot of info out there that brown rice is better than white rice. So why am I choosing white rice? Brown rice although has much more nutrients than white rice, thru its process has stripped its _____________ which is what helps you digest the nutrients it has. Therefore yes, it does have more nutrients however you do not have the capacity to digest them. Comments are closed.
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