Strengthen your immunity during this season of the “ICKIES” 😷 How can you maintain a strong immune system for you and your family during these winter months - fighting germs? There are multiple ways you can fight this season using natural methods to keep your energy up and your system staying strong. I’m a huge believer that nutrition plays a main focus on our health and immune system “you are what you eat” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
But you also want to know where your food is coming from and sourcing plays a big role! If you are already eating a clean diet you may also want to take a look at a few other items: >>• Get into Essential Oils! There are quality EO companies out there that provide EO blends to help keep a nice barrier between you and the ickies. One of my favorites is Thieves from Young Living, but there are a bunch out there. I rub this oil on me during those times where I feel like I am getting something or know I will be somewhere w a lot of people (airport, hospital,etc) I will use it like the first line of defense. You can apply OR get a diffuser and diffuse the EO in your house! Purify you’re air that you are breathing. Want to learn more? Check out my essential oil section of my website to see how you can get involved with essential oils. >>• Probiotics! I’m not a huge supplement person, I have the ones I like and don’t go crazy. BUT I always make sure I am using a probiotic to help maintain the good bacteria in my gut, which we are learning plays a huge part in our immune system. Along with other systems in our body! >>• Sleep! this is a hard one but during these months try to get as much sleep as you can! Let your body restore. When you are sleeping each night the body miraculously goes thru a restoration. >>• Incorporate some Vitamin C, D & Zinc (under the care of a Dr of course) >>• Have you tried adding Cinnamon to meals? Helps the body fight infections and a good source of antioxidants >>• Amp up Fruits and Veggies high in antioxidants >>• & of course Handle Stress! Especially around the holidays . . . . #nutritioncoach #healthandwellness #healthcoach #cleaneating #integrativenutrition #organiceating #eatyourveggies #wholefoods #foodismedicine #healthylife #selfcare #stressmanagement #awakenyourhealing #mindbodysoul #holistichealing #upstateny #essentialoils #younglivingessentialoils Comments are closed.
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