I believe we all have the ability to heal ourselves. In a world blinded by prescriptions, fast food, high stress levels, and busy lifestyles we have lost touch with how to just be!
When we focus on our nutrition, our lifestyles, and our mindfulness it can open us up to a world of healthy living. Its all about Mind.Body.& Soul. Each and every one of us come from a unique background of nutrition, lifestyle, stress, childhood, and current state of health. I believe that working with each person individually to create a plan designed to meet their goals & well-being is the best approach to their holistic life journey. Its all about the Bio-Iindividuality.* What works for one person, may not work for another - its important to have a plan that works for the person. "One person's food, is another person's poison"
Unlike many nutritionists, dietitians, and other practices that work mainly on calorie counting, restrictive diets, & weight watching - my philosophy is much different. I enjoy working with clients on establishing an easy, down to basics plan to help them attain their goals - whether that be weight, hormones, stress, etc... We put a plan in place that is simple, easy to follow and has accomplishments along the way to show the progress. Positive strong and steady changes to ensure progress and lifestyle changes and habits that work for the client. Sometimes its simply just knowing where to start and that is where I can come in. I work to empower my clients to live the life they deserve and "awaken their healing."
We work together on a program to establish a healthy balance that works for you! We not only work on nutrition and food, but healthy relationships, finding purpose to your life, increasing activity and movement, and finding a meaningful spiritual practice to inspire you to be a healthy individual.
* Bio-IINdividuality, Could One Conversation Change Your Life?, Integrative Nutrition and Institute for Integrative Nutrition are trademarks owned by Integrative Nutrition Inc.
>>.My Story . My Calling . My Peace.<<
I grew up in an Irish/Italian New Yorker kind of household who at an early age was taught that LOVE is being close to family. Being close to family meant FOOD and everything we did with family and activities included lots and lots of food. Bagels, breads, cereals, and sweets for breakfast, pastas and meat and potatoes for dinners and don't forget dessert every night. At an early age I developed a sweet tooth and the need to eat something sweet after every meal.
As I hit college my eating habits didn't get much better. Poptarts, Easy Mac, Popcorn, and Turkey sandwiches were my food of choice. After graduating college, I started dating my husband and we often went out for dinner, as the years went on I would continue to gain weight. It wasn't until I turned 30, that my husband and I did our first cleanse. It was a gentle cleanse that allowed me to remove processed foods from my diet while I drank green smoothies and snacked on whole foods. This was the first time in my life I understood what a "whole food" actually was. I learned so much during that 14-day cleanse. I learned that day 3-4 is always the worst, this is where your emotional detox takes place. I literally had a breakdown one night during my cleanse at day 3, literally about nothing. I realized at this moment that "OMGoodness I am detoxing not only the physical state of me, but also the emotional." This was my first experience and proof that there is in fact a connection between the food we eat and our mind. I felt I had to know more...
So, I bought my first nutrition book "Nutrition for the Optimal Mind" by Patrick Holford. Its a 400 page book, super long but one of the best books I ever read. He has all sorts of interesting facts, studies, and proven theories on how the mind and nutrition work cohesively. Many ailments and illnesses can clearly be reversed and healed through using nutrition and so my journey continued...
For the next three years I thought I ate pretty healthy but I still didnt feel right, sluggish, foggy, and always tired and irritable. I still had unhealthy habits with sugar, coffee, and social eating ( I ate the way typical American culture eat and socializes). In 2016, I had my second health scare (my first was the same in 2013 that Im about to explain). I was at a fitness class and passed out. Dropped to the ground, I have no memory of what happen except I found myself in an ambulance. I had not treated my body correctly as I was purely dehydrated and under nourished. My body had shut down and said enough is enough. No doctor could tell me what was wrong with me. In my heart I knew something was wrong. I knew that the fact that the same thing happened to me 3 years prior in a duplicate manner, then something was wrong.
I came a crossed a functional medicine doctor. A holistic practice "Bova Health & Wellness" that did not take insurance but I did not care, I knew I had to get healthy. The doctor was understanding immediately and his philosophy was that your gut is your second brain. How we fuel our bodies and how we heal comes from the gut. Everything related to this (hormones, immune system, etc.) So FOOD is extremely important and how you consume it. You are either nourishing your body or you a fueling disease and illness. Which one will you choose? He took my vitals and tested me for hormone imbalance. It was true I was in adrenal fatigue which is what caused my pass outs. I believe a long history of not eating the right foods had caused me this imbalance. From that day on I chose to eat in a way that helps to heal my body. I saw the changes my body and my mind made through this lifestyle change. From this I enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I knew that I wanted to help others learn how to eat right to help heal their body and change their lifestyle.
I believe that my journey was meant to be. I know I had to go through what I had to in order to help others. If we get back to basics, simplify our food and lifestyle we can attract a healthy life we all yearn for.